Denver Cyberknife Gives Hope To Cancer Patients
Despite its name, no knives, blades or scalpels are used in this procedure. The procedure is therefore, painless and no cutting takes place. This is ideal for patients who have complicated tumors or patients who are unsuitable for regular surgery.
Invasion is kept to a minimum because the technology used includes sophisticated computer software and hardware. Furthermore, the control, dexterity and precision are state of the art. Increased access to images helps the surgeon to track the procedure. The computer is used to operate the micro instruments.
Surgeons can see everything in 3 dimension and this is as close to live surgery as possible. The technology allows the surgeons a greater deal of mobility. Surgeons can work through several small penetration in the skin in order to access hard to reach tumors.
Surgeons have greater precision thanks to the superior radiosurgery technology. The medical sphere is benefiting immensely from this technology as more patients are being successfully treated. As a result of this, more and more patients are requesting this type of treatment to remove tumors. There are a number of advantages to this when compared to regular surgery.
Denver Cyberknife robotic procedures involve tinier incisions, and patients. Therefore, have to endure less pain than with normal surgical procedures. Other benefits include less blood loss and a lower rate of blood transfusions. The rate of infection is much less than with normal surgery. Patients can get back to work much faster after having robotic surgery.
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