Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vitamin B6 Cutting the Cancer Risks?

By David Morris

You have a 48% lower risk of being diagnosed with bowel cancer taking vitamin B6 new study shows...

Bowel cancer is the second largest cause of cancer deaths in the USA. This is despite the fact that bowel cancer is actually easily prevented. Now, new research indicates that vitamin B6 from foods, could stand aside exercise and maintaining a healthy weight as a preventative measure against bowel cancer.

B6, this is a big study...

Scientists wanted to know what effects vitamin B6 might have in cutting the risks of bowel cancer. They looked in great detail at the results from the data of 13 previous studies. This is what they concluded:

a. There was a 48% lower risk of bowel cancer for people with the highest blood levels of vitamin B6, compared to those who had the lowest blood levels.

b. The bowel cancer risk was reduced by 20% for those people who were eating the most vitamin B6, compared to people eating the least B6.

Great news, however...

While the researcher's conclusions are encouraging, it should be noted that there are some weaknesses in a review study like this.

First, 11 of the studies focused only on food sources of vitamin B6, and the other two looked at both food and supplement sources, so the researchers could not actually say definitively that it was better to take vitamin B6 from food, or supplements to reduce bowel cancer risks.

Secondly, a study like this, which is a review of previous research, does not show a cause and effect. On the other hand, it demonstrates the association between the levels of vitamin B6 and the bowel cancer risks. While one could easily make the link between the two, this study does not prove it, to do that more research is required.

Making sure you're getting enough vitman B6

The potential benefits of taking enough vitamin B6 from your diet, are outlined in this study. Super foods are a good source of vitamin B6, including organic maca powder, barley grass powder, spirulina and organic wheatgrass powder. (JAMA 2010; 303:1077-83;)

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